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The Branch Welfare Representative can provide help and advice in time of need.


The Royal Marines Association should be your first point of contact for welfare needs, guiding you through the Soldiers Sailors and Air Forces application process, or signposting to the best place. We also deliver the Royal Marines Support Network for the whole Corps Family.

RM Support Network

There may come a time when we need a little extra help and assistance. The Royal Marines Veteran Support Organisation delivers the core support for the RMA Family 


Wounded, Injured or Sick?

Ours is a hard, often dangerous profession. If you’ve been hurt in body or mind, in combat, active service or civilian life, you never have to go through it alone.


Family and Home

Life in the Royal Marines is nomadic and circumstances are ever-changing. Wherever duty takes you, you and your family can call on us.



Alongside the Royal Marines Charity and other partners who support the royal Marines Family, we can signpost you to financial advice and funding sources at every life-stage. Civilian life may not present the same dangers as serving with the Royal Marines, but that doesn’t mean the transition is always easy.

We are here to help

Contact your local representative or attain further details through the RMA .

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