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2021 Our Belgian Friends in the Feestcomit Remember Zeebrugge

Dear Friends, This supplement records the 2021 Zeebrugge ceremonies which we were unable to attend for very obvious reasons. It is with much humility and gratitude that we thank our Belgian friends for undertaking the annual commemoraton under difficult conditions. Our dear friend Fernand Maréchal, his Feestcomite and associates paraded at the St Georges Memorial and at St. Donaas Church to remember those gallant sailors and marines who took part in that memorable acBon on the 23rd April 1918 where many made the ultimate sacrifice. We are indebted to Fernand for sending to Jim Ellard a comprehensive photographic record of both events together with the wish that we can relive the commemoration together next year and for laying a Royal Marines wreath on our behalf. Similarly, the branch provided a wreath for Dover.

Graeme Golightly Branch Chairman

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