It was good to see a good turnout for our June branch meeting in the reserve bar lounge at the Union Jack Club. Armed Forces day was a great success which took place on the 24th of June and our allocated numbers were fully taken up, a big thank you to all who attended and a special thank to Peter Brown MBE who volunteered to carry the branch standard .
Beat the Retreat with the Royal Marines band, takes place on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th
July. The Corps reception at Lancaster House is to be held on the Thursday, straight after the performance. There are a few branch members, myself included, who are meeting in the Red Lion pub on Whitehall at 1700 on the Thursday. As previously mentioned, please be aware that our monthly branch meeting will be changing from Thursday the 11th to Thursday, the 18th of July, to accommodate the above.
This year Belgium parade, for which we normally offer branch support, will be taking place at the Cenotaph on Saturday, the 13th of July, from 1000 to 1300. If you are interested in attending this event please give your names to Stephen Gilkes as soon as possible.