Ladies and Gents,
You will have hopefully seen my previous email on the committee’s decision to cancel July’s branch meeting at the Union Jack Club. Whilst naturally disappointed we were left no choice with the government lockdown timetable being extended and the UJC unable to offer a suitable COVID environment. Dare I say we now look forward to our annual summer barbecue event at RMR London in September.
Our branch, along with RMR London, was able to provide nine individuals to attend the Flag Raising ceremony at the Guildhall on Thursday, the 24th of June. This annual event was a touch and go affair only being confirmed the day before. Fortunately we were still able to gather some of our members at short notice. Thank you gents you know who you are.
By kind permission of the Commanding Officer, Lt Col Oliver (Olly) Todd RM, our annual branch barbecue will be held on Thursday the 9th of September at RMR London - 1745 for 1800. The evening will begin with a talk about the raid at Zeebrugge followed by the BBQ and finally occupying the senior’s mess with a cash bar. Carriages will be from 2200. This will be a branch-subsidised event for members with costings to follow. We will be making use of our new website to make the bookings.
The RMA Families weekend at CTCRM will be on the 10th, 11, and 12th Sept. Please visit the RMA website for further details of this weekend -
Finally our superb branch Standard Bearer Chas Timms has again attended a number of former RM funerals at the request of the families. Although not necessarily from our branch, it is a fiting tribute that we are able to provide some comfort to the bereaved families.
Please continue to stay safe.
With very best wishes,
Graeme Golightly
Branch Chairman