The Chairman welcomed colleagues from RMR London, namely Mick Wakeham RN and Ian (Smudge) Smith RM. Chas Timms our Branch Standard Bearer introduced Ken Chandler. Ken had fought at Limbang with Chas in Lima Company 42CDORM as the AB landing craft operator. Upon landing in the area and offloading the troops one of the young Royal Marines was mortally wounded. Ken took it upon himself to comfort the Marine who sadly died in his arms. Ken then manned the Bren gun and helped with the attack. For his actions Ken was awarded a ‘Mention in Dispatches’. Some members of Lima Company thought he should have been given a higher bravery award for his actions. Graeme had the great honour (his words) of presentng a branch plaque to Ken and lettng him know that he will always be a member of our Corps family.